  <img src="http://img.xiami.com/images/common/uploadpic/39/13763812398959.jpg" alt="" />   一切开始于2003年的哥德堡,EF乐队的雏形在这时已经出现。随着新成员的加入,乐队的风格彻底的发生了改变,这一年可谓给乐队带来了全新的方向。   接下来的几年一切发展的都很快。除了发行的四张个人demo唱片,一张7寸单曲,一张混音EP和两张完整的专辑(《Give me beauty… Or give me death!》 – 2006 和 《I am responsible》 – 2008),他们还完成了在欧洲的十次巡演,参加了多场音乐节的演出。EF告诉了这个世界以DIY为格言发展乐队是完全存在可能的,并且他们在没有任何有计划的安排下在欧洲销售出了4000余张唱片。       EF称他们自己为欧洲最为努力的独立乐队之一。在2009年的夏末,乐队的三位成员开始为那张已经获得了广大好评的第三张全长专辑《Mourning golden morning》编写新歌。   这些歌于同年十月初由制作人Magnus Lindberg在具有传奇色彩的老工作室Music-A-   Matic录制。这是乐队第一次让一个圈外人来担任唱片的制作人。而最后的混音效果制作全部在Tonteknik Studios完成。       之前的专辑都是由五位乐队成员一起录制的,而这一张则是由三位成员编写录制,并且只运用了吉他和鼓,这在你需要创作史诗般并且动感的音乐时听起来相当的不同寻常,而这样的音乐总是会被称为后摇滚。但无论如何,这是一个相当有趣的创作和沟通方法。   我们不想过多的解释我们的音乐,不想为你制造太多的文字,或者在你的头脑里植入太多的想法。我们希望你可以自己去听然后自己去决定。《Mourning golden morning》是三个人共同合作的结晶,比上一张专辑听起来更为老式,并且厌倦了那种典型的重复式后摇滚的理念:积累、积累、积累然后爆发最后再回头重复那些陈词滥调。《Mourning golden morning》在2010年的四月一日终于审批通过,开始由the Sound Records (EU) 、Cargo Records (G/A/S) 和Suburban Records (Be/Ne/Lux)对外发行。乐队同时也在四月和五月间在英国乃至全欧洲进行了为期七周的大规模巡演,对新专辑进行宣传。乐队的现场演出和专辑在全欧洲都掀起了一股热潮,引起了人们疯狂的议论。      2013年,正值乐队成军十周年的重要年份,而乐队依然活跃。用什么来庆祝乐队十年呢?没有比第四张专辑问世更让人值得期待的事情了,EF准备在2013年9月正式发行他们的全新专辑!发展、尝试、专注,是EF的三个关键词,是这支来自欧洲的勤勉乐队十年共同的经历!       This quintet hailing from Gothenbourg, Sweden, offers a soothing, atmospheric, and dense form of post-rock, comparable to bands like Mono or Yndi Halda. With six tracks clocking in at 55 minutes, this release is certainly not bad; it offers tracks which are relaxing, rhythmic, interesting, and dynamic, but ultimately, remain unmemorable. I’m not quite ready to condemn the band to death, however, as it does seem to meet its stated objective. The album does tend to grow on the listener after repeat listens, and it is a rewarding experience to come to appreciate the delicateness of these melodies, as they are quite subtle. It is a solid debut, but still nothing completely earth shattering, although I would recommend Give me Beauty... as a good album to chill out to (possibly while indulging in some stereotypical, late night, illegal inhalations.) The tones, textures, rhythms, and arrangements are not entirely original and will not leave you aching for the next opportunity to listen again. Sonically, Ef offers a pleasant mix of ambient noise, guitar tremolo, and sparkling dynamism all underlain with slow, tribal drums and strings.      Ef may be at their best when they make use of the addition of duel male/female vox, which are unfortunately used sparingly, and seem rather out of place when one considers them in context of the whole composition. The epic, 12:17 long track, "Hello Scotland", reaches several grand climaxes, but suffers from weak transitions. In the equally epic "Final Touch / Hidden Agenda", the band comes together in the perfect synergy of lulling ambience, rocking beats, gentle guitars, duel vocals, a hint of melodica, (or perhaps accordion, either way, Swedes always tend to use these instruments well) and convincing, appropriate climaxes.
  <img src="http://img.xiami.com/images/common/uploadpic/39/13763812398959.jpg" alt="" />   一切开始于2003年的哥德堡,EF乐队的雏形在这时已经出现。随着新成员的加入,乐队的风格彻底的发生了改变,这一年可谓给乐队带来了全新的方向。   接下来的几年一切发展的都很快。除了发行的四张个人demo唱片,一张7寸单曲,一张混音EP和两张完整的专辑(《Give me beauty… Or give me death!》 – 2006 和 《I am responsible》 – 2008),他们还完成了在欧洲的十次巡演,参加了多场音乐节的演出。EF告诉了这个世界以DIY为格言发展乐队是完全存在可能的,并且他们在没有任何有计划的安排下在欧洲销售出了4000余张唱片。       EF称他们自己为欧洲最为努力的独立乐队之一。在2009年的夏末,乐队的三位成员开始为那张已经获得了广大好评的第三张全长专辑《Mourning golden morning》编写新歌。   这些歌于同年十月初由制作人Magnus Lindberg在具有传奇色彩的老工作室Music-A-   Matic录制。这是乐队第一次让一个圈外人来担任唱片的制作人。而最后的混音效果制作全部在Tonteknik Studios完成。       之前的专辑都是由五位乐队成员一起录制的,而这一张则是由三位成员编写录制,并且只运用了吉他和鼓,这在你需要创作史诗般并且动感的音乐时听起来相当的不同寻常,而这样的音乐总是会被称为后摇滚。但无论如何,这是一个相当有趣的创作和沟通方法。   我们不想过多的解释我们的音乐,不想为你制造太多的文字,或者在你的头脑里植入太多的想法。我们希望你可以自己去听然后自己去决定。《Mourning golden morning》是三个人共同合作的结晶,比上一张专辑听起来更为老式,并且厌倦了那种典型的重复式后摇滚的理念:积累、积累、积累然后爆发最后再回头重复那些陈词滥调。《Mourning golden morning》在2010年的四月一日终于审批通过,开始由the Sound Records (EU) 、Cargo Records (G/A/S) 和Suburban Records (Be/Ne/Lux)对外发行。乐队同时也在四月和五月间在英国乃至全欧洲进行了为期七周的大规模巡演,对新专辑进行宣传。乐队的现场演出和专辑在全欧洲都掀起了一股热潮,引起了人们疯狂的议论。      2013年,正值乐队成军十周年的重要年份,而乐队依然活跃。用什么来庆祝乐队十年呢?没有比第四张专辑问世更让人值得期待的事情了,EF准备在2013年9月正式发行他们的全新专辑!发展、尝试、专注,是EF的三个关键词,是这支来自欧洲的勤勉乐队十年共同的经历!       This quintet hailing from Gothenbourg, Sweden, offers a soothing, atmospheric, and dense form of post-rock, comparable to bands like Mono or Yndi Halda. With six tracks clocking in at 55 minutes, this release is certainly not bad; it offers tracks which are relaxing, rhythmic, interesting, and dynamic, but ultimately, remain unmemorable. I’m not quite ready to condemn the band to death, however, as it does seem to meet its stated objective. The album does tend to grow on the listener after repeat listens, and it is a rewarding experience to come to appreciate the delicateness of these melodies, as they are quite subtle. It is a solid debut, but still nothing completely earth shattering, although I would recommend Give me Beauty... as a good album to chill out to (possibly while indulging in some stereotypical, late night, illegal inhalations.) The tones, textures, rhythms, and arrangements are not entirely original and will not leave you aching for the next opportunity to listen again. Sonically, Ef offers a pleasant mix of ambient noise, guitar tremolo, and sparkling dynamism all underlain with slow, tribal drums and strings.      Ef may be at their best when they make use of the addition of duel male/female vox, which are unfortunately used sparingly, and seem rather out of place when one considers them in context of the whole composition. The epic, 12:17 long track, "Hello Scotland", reaches several grand climaxes, but suffers from weak transitions. In the equally epic "Final Touch / Hidden Agenda", the band comes together in the perfect synergy of lulling ambience, rocking beats, gentle guitars, duel vocals, a hint of melodica, (or perhaps accordion, either way, Swedes always tend to use these instruments well) and convincing, appropriate climaxes.
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